Hi, Welcome to my Babyz Home page. Here you will here all about them ,24/7, so hold on tight!!!!!
I have babiez. They are Bionda,Charlet,Charles,Arionna,Bibiana,Emily,Leena,and Patti,Joey,Clark,Sennica,and Baby Juan.
You can have your own babyz, buy pruchasing the game, sold at any computer game store. If you want more information about the game ,please visi the official website www.babyz.net , or like of my link to go there directly.
Please take a look at my photo album, I can garrantee that once you see these beautiful ,yet virtual babiez ,you will want them, like I did.
The official website for Babyz PLEase see mysims page.All my houses ,and families to download.Specially read "The Y in Egypt".Thanks The Sims Website. This will take you to my Guinea pig web page This will take you to my Red Ear Slider Turtle Page ABC website:Great website for everything a bayz need This is a very good website that has everything. Babyz: a new website that is getting started. Please take a look. <<<<<<<More Websites Coming soon!>>>>>>