Uranium's Guinea pig Page
Welcome To My Guinea Pigs Page!! | My Guinea Pigs and other Pets | Care Page | News(whats new here) and your Pictures!! | Sign book | Your links!


 Welcome To My Guinea Pigs Page!! 

The Christmas doggy.

Hi, I hope you like my page!You will here alot about my Guinea Pigs here.If you want you could tell me about them.There are thing in here that if you want you can have posted up!Well all I have to say is HAVE FUN!!!!!!!! 




Hi I use to have 14 Guinea Pigs.I dont breed.It just that my 3 female Guinea Pigs got pregnant before I could stop it!In here I will tell you important thing you must know.I have a Writing section.If you want you can send things about you Guinea Pigs.BELOW there is a guide throught my Page.Injoy it!


WRITING PAGE:you send poem,and I put them up.Also stories are allowed.
MY GUINEA PIG  PAGE:Here is all the info of my Guinea Pigs!
CARE PAGE:here is some help with the care of your Guinea pigs for what to feed them and what to not. Pregnant guinea Pig info.Language ,useful info and how to SEX them.
NEWS AND PICTURES:Here you can send your pictures and what happening to owners like you!
SIGNBOOK:You could write to me about comments.
FORM IS HERE:tell me question about Guinea Pig.I will answer you as soon as possible. 
LINK PAGE:Tell me your own home page ,and I'll put it up.Many homepage that are useful!